NAME Of JESUS Literally In Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), Foretold As Messiah Centuries Before Christ’s Birth

Another day, another moment to marvel over God, His Word, His ways and plans. And, in my tradition, yet another day to shake my head over why in five decades of faith I’m just now discovering this hugely significant piece of evidence from ancient Jewish prophecy! A prophecy which points a giant finger squarely at … More NAME Of JESUS Literally In Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), Foretold As Messiah Centuries Before Christ’s Birth

Why did Isaiah 53 Become a Forbidden Chapter in Rabbinical Traditions?

Readers, I’ve waited a long time to share this video, always having it on the back burner of my mind and virtual desk. It is so powerful, significant and insightful on Jewish thought regarding the subject of Christ and His identity. It points a finger lovingly but urgently to the need to reach the descendants … More Why did Isaiah 53 Become a Forbidden Chapter in Rabbinical Traditions?

Why Believe? 42 Ancient Prophecies of Messiah Fulfilled in Christ

Whenever someone asks me why I believe Christ was, indeed, the Jewish Messiah, I love sharing the overwhelming evidence that He fulfilled the ancient Hebrew prophecies from A to Z, from beginning to end. I pray you are inspired seeing the evidence, and will be ready to give an answer whenever someone asks you to … More Why Believe? 42 Ancient Prophecies of Messiah Fulfilled in Christ

Experiencing the Supernatural in the Natural – God is Real

Have you ever had an experience you knew was not of this world? I’m talking about something so unique, so specific, that you cannot brush it off as anything other than a supernatural touch from God. Let me give some examples. One day, several years ago, in the middle of a difficult writing project, I … More Experiencing the Supernatural in the Natural – God is Real