Flaws of Dispensationalism Vs Covenant Theology

Image Source:tealivinghope.org

For many of our usual readers, this subject may seem dull and irrelevant, and I don’t blame you if you think so. I would have thought the same as little as a month ago. But, I’ve come since to realize its significance is vital and far-reaching.

I don’t know about you, but for years I thought this debate was just theologians in academia arguing how to best approach the study of Scripture. And that is true on the surface. But it is deeper and more important than I imagined.

Side note, to cut to the heart of Biblical study: If you truly want the BEST approach to studying and understanding Scripture, surrender to the Holy Spirit. For, “The Spirit will guide you into all truth”. (Jesus; John 16:13)

I’ve seen people in the Spirit, with no credentials whatsoever, reveal more wisdom in the Word of God than many with multiple degrees. Sadly, Biblical academia is all too often large organizations of teachers and ministers who have some sound doctrine, but also cling to old fallacies and perpetuate them generation after generation. What might happen if every seminary staff, faculty, and minister of God’s Word had a true revival and filling of the Holy Spirit?

A few weeks ago, I found myself in accidental conversations with people very committed to Dispensationalism. Frankly, they pounced on me for believing any Old Testament prophecy may apply to believers in Christ, aka the Church.

Rather than argue, I took a step back and hit the books. This post is the result. In short, what I found was, Dispensationalism has sound foundational content, but some of their views don’t align with Scripture to an alarming degree.

Looking into these subjects with scrutiny did something else for me. It explained my upbringing and confusion over years of conflicted teaching. One Pastor or teacher would emphasize Israel and hint that God has a separate redemption plan for Jews. Another would talk about covenants and one people. Others would emphasize the rapture, but one professor said there is no rapture. On and on it went over decades.

The fact that Protestants, much less all of God’s people, can’t find agreement on these pivotal subjects leaves us scratching our heads. At the end of the day, it means many pastors and Bible teachers, regardless of impressive credentials, are just plain wrong. But, which ones?

Thank God His Scripture, and especially His Holy Spirit, is our guiding light. What a difference He makes. Today, I would like to share an honest interaction with both similarities and differences between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology, and hold them both up to the light of Scripture. Let’s get started.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

Father, we yield now to Your Spirit, and ask You for wisdom. Lead us into all truth, that we may be rooted and grounded in Your wondrous ways, in the name of Jesus. Amen



Dispensationalism, in the history of theology, is “the new kid on the block”. It was birthed less than 200 years ago. Covenant Theology on the other hand, in one form or another, has been around nearly two millennia, since the early church.

Dispensationalism was started by John Nelson Darby, born in England in the 1800s, raised in Ireland, a minister influential in founding Plymouth Brethren. It was embraced in America by the Bible movement and later included in the Scofield Reference Bible (1909) and adopted by Dallas Theological Seminary one hundred years ago (1924).

—Most importantly, Dispensationalism does believe salvation is found in Christ. It shares this Biblical foundation in common with Covenant Theology.

—According to online sources, Dispensationalism “sees God as structuring His relationship with mankind through several stages.” (Site: desiringgod.org; all sources cited at bottom.)

An honest question: do we really believe “God structured His relationship with man into eras”, or does it make more sense it was the humans who assigned the categories? It isn’t a stretch to think the Father let life and history play out, perfectly balancing His salvation plan, interventions and foreknowledge with our free will.

Still, there is no harm in humans labeling things in order to understand and discuss subjects in educational settings. Intelligent people use structure and semantics to categorize concepts and more easily discuss them with others who understand the same lingo. All sciences and philosophies do the same.

—Dispensationalism holds to a literal interpretation of Scripture, that all Scripture, though sometimes symbolic, has a literal application.

This is a point of easy agreement. Those who respect the Bible as God’s inspired message for us should want to apply His Word in every way possible to their lives.

Students and teachers of the Bible, however, must understand that Jesus told us, “The Spirit will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). The filling of His Spirit must be pursued, kept in charge of every attempt to understand and, especially, teach Biblical truth. Without the Spirit in control, emotions, personal issues, agendas, or group think can interfere, and interpretations are vulnerable to being off target. The Spirit is everything in understanding and teaching Scripture.

“Not many should become teachers, because those who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1

With regard to the literal interpretation of prophecy, there are those who think Scripture must only have one application to one prophecy (1:1). I’ve also been been taught by others who think prophecy can have up to two applications: one at the time of the author, and one in the distant future end times or Millennium.

Yet, some prophecies have obvious, multiple applications. One example is any prophetic warning that a nation which turns from God becomes vulnerable to destruction. This prophetic truth has played out over and over across centuries. Prophecies of that nature do not happen only once, and they continue to apply. So, the 1:1 or 1:2 general rule applied to every prophecy is inaccurate.

Where application or interpretation should be limited to 1:1 is where the identity of Messiah is involved. Messianic prophecies by nature only permit one person to have fulfilled them.

The ancient Hebrew prophecies also limit Messiah’s identification to one time period in history (before the destruction of the temple in 70 CE), and to one person within that time period who had to fulfill 100% of the prophecies.

Of course, one person lived within that time period and did fulfill all of the prophecies: JESUS. We’ve posted about this separately in recent months, listing dozens of specific prophecies and provided proof how Christ fulfilled them.

—Dispensationalism holds to Premillennialism (that Christ will literally come in flesh and rule for 1,000 years in the Millennium.

I won’t interact much with this point today. Just know we do believe in a Millennium as prophesied in Revelation. I actually had a dream about the Rapture and posted about it in previous years. I also shared a companion post at the time about where the Rapture occurs in Revelation.

Next is where things take an interesting turn in Dispensationalism, and really this next set of tenets of their beliefs are central to their entire theology.

—Dispensationalism believes in “two peoples of God”, making a distinction between Israel and the Church, even for Jewish followers of Christ. It claims the promises made to Israel in the Old Testament were not for the Church, but will be fulfilled in the Millennium, primarily, by Israel itself.

This is where we, and I cannot overstate this, strongly diverge from Dispensationalism. God has never had more than one people, i.e., one family. The Bible reveals those who love and trust the Lord on His terms (in any era) are His family, period.

[It seems very timely to stop here and insert a statement about our 100% support for the nation of Israel and Jews worldwide. They are under vicious attack, and they are our precious friend and ally in democracy in an ever-increasingly hostile world. Clarifying Scripture about God’s people is NOT to be taken as any variety of anti-semitism! Teaching that all races are equally loved and welcomed into God’s family is completely anti-racist. Readers, let’s pray together now for Israel: Father God, we praise Your holy name. Holy Spirit, take over our spirits and heart toward Israel even now. Turn our hearts to truth and justice, against terrorism and for defense of the land of Jesus’ birth! Supernaturally protect and deliver Israel from her enemies, call all nations who love truth and peace to defend her. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.]

God’s Multi-Racial Family – Then and Now

Humans had a relationship with God from the beginning of creation, before Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were born. God would afterward refer to Jacob’s descendants as “Israel”, but this meant more than a land. It meant His family, and it was NOT biologically exclusive, even then.

Non-Jews could and did became part of the Jewish faith of ancient Israel. This is revealed all over the Old Testament.

Ruth is one example. She, a Gentile, chose her mother-in-law’s faith, a Jewish member of Israel. “Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16) Ruth became ONE with Israel the people, God’s family, and she became a direct ancestor of both King David and Jesus.


The book of Esther tells of many non-Jews coming to the people of Israel’s faith because of the deliverance of the Jews they witnessed. God’s ancient people were not just of the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

This fact alone – that God’s people in ancient times were NOT just of the blood of Jacob – is proof the Dispensationalism belief in God having two peoples is simply wrong.

It goes even deeper… Are you aware that being Jewish – even before Christ – did not guarantee you were part of God’s family?

Jesus told the Jewish Pharisees, “you do not follow Me because you are not of My sheep. My sheep hear My voice and follow Me.” (John 10:26-27) Before Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection, many Jewish religious leaders were ALREADY lost to God. DNA did not protect them, it had nothing to do with who made up God’s family!

Being part of God’s family in ancient times meant belief with the mind and devotion of the heart. It is the same today. It meant relationship with God doing things His way, willingly, which formerly was through obedience to the old Law, and now through faith in Christ.

The Hebrew prophets foretold more Gentiles would be added to the family, and neither did they ever refer to God’s family as divided into two parts. The prophets did say, however, that His family would change, that some would be cut off and many more added.

“It is too small a thing for you to be My Servant to restore (only) the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel… I will also make You a light for the Gentiles, that My Salvation may reach to the ends of the earth!” Isaiah 49:6

Christ was the destination of the ancient people’s journey. In Him was embodied the ultimate purpose and identity of Israel. Through Him, the addition of a much larger family was made possible. We are His “Israel of God”.

Biblical students and scholars need to get it right: the reason God chose one race in ancient times was to protect the lineage which would lead to Mary and Joseph, both direct descendants of King David, and the birth of His Son.

Keep Jesus the focal point and understanding Scripture and the role of Israel falls into place.

When reading the Old Testament, whether studying the Law or the Prophets, the answer to the question of “WHY” did God do it this or that way is always the same:

“Why did He make them follow all those odd laws?” JESUS. He was protecting their purity, obedience, health and lineage to the goal of bearing His Son.

“Why did He insist they have no part of pagan religions or people?” JESUS. Again, He was protecting their descendants for the eventual birth of His Son.

“Why all the feasts focused on sacrifice, cleansing, atonement, purity, and more?” JESUS. God’s Son would become the sacrifice, do the cleansing, make the atonement, BECOME the FEAST for the world, that the world might be saved through Him (John 3:17).

THIS is how you study the Old Testament. EVERYTHING God did was for JESUS, prophesying Him, preparing the way for Him, protecting the ancestral line for Him.

“This is My beloved Son whom I have chosen. Listen to Him.” Luke 9:35

Another sobering reason for disagreement with Dispensationalism on the conceptual separation of Israel and the Church is because it misses the point that what we call the Church was the GOAL of God from the beginning!

He SO protected the ancient people FOR Christ, and what was the result of Christ? The CHURCH.

God planned, protected and eagerly awaited His diverse, worldwide family brought together by His Son. This was always His plan. The Church is actually the continuation of His (STILL) multi-racial people, it has never been a replacement of them.

He LOVES the Church (the “Bride”, per Isaiah; “Israel of God” per Paul). It includes Jews who follow Messiah, together with everyone else who trust in Him. We are ONE people in the most privileged family in existence, open to all who believe, forged in breath-taking, self-sacrificial LOVE of the Creator Himself.

Dispensationalism makes a hierarchy between people of God, it puts those of the blood of Jacob on a pedestal with the Church in a secondary role. This is a distortion of the understanding of ancient Israel and Scripture. Jesus did not do this, so no one else should.

It seems the oddest sort of religious racism to put one race above or separate from another within God’s family! How did this slither its way so far into modern theology? It never was and still is not of God.

The best article I’ve seen on Dispensationalism is called: The 95 Theses Against Dispensationalism by Semper Reformanda; see link at bottom. They knocked it out of the park, naming the tenets of Dispensationalism and comparing every detail against Scripture.

They point out that Dispensationalism, while claiming cohesive and plain interpretation of Scripture, has actually fragmented the people of God, the covenants, the redemption plan, and more. Their article is brilliant and comprehensive. I encourage anyone interested in arming yourself with Biblical truth on these matters to check it out.

By the way, even (Classic) Dispensationalism has splintered into other offshoots (Reformed and Progressive Dispensationalism) who are tweaking their original beliefs.


Covenant Theology is not new. The basics of Covenant Theology have been around since the earliest Church fathers. They stressed the unity of the grace covenant, that Jesus IS the Seed of Abraham (as explained in the NT by Paul, in Galatians 3, for one) and that all believers in Him, regardless of race, are Abraham’s children.

According to an article by Ligonier Ministries, “In sum, throughout the history of the church there has always been a theology of the covenants.”

—Covenant Theology believes in salvation through Christ, as does Dispensationalism.

—Covenant Theology still upholds there is one people of God and continuity, continuation from ancient Israel through Jesus (the “Branch”) to the Church.

The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ… If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed. Galatians 3:16; 29

—Covenant Theology believes in redemption and eternal life to those who would follow Him and that this new covenant is unbreakable.

—It holds that the old covenant based on works and law were broken by the people of God, and the new covenant of grace in Christ fulfilled (completed) the old covenant.

While Dispensationalism claims the original covenants must still be fulfilled for Israel, there is extensive Scripture in both Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) and New Testament which instead confirms Covenant Theology that the old Mosaic covenant was broken before Christ.

Let’s make one stop in Isaiah 49, and then we’ll get to the Bible passages which prove the Mosaic covenant is obsolete.


The prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 49 and beyond that Gentiles would come to Redeemer, and Isaiah goes on to describe what life for the larger family would be like after Redeemer. This debunks the Dispensationalist view that the Prophets are only applicable to the Jews.

Isaiah is clearly describing the Church, for he outright declared there would be a much larger, multi-racial body of God’s family, not just Jews. Isaiah went so far as to declare in Isaiah 49:6 that it would be “too small a thing if Messiah came ONLY for the Jews”! Indeed.

“It is too small a thing for you to be My Servant to restore (only) the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel… I will also make You a light for the Gentiles, that My Salvation may reach to the ends of the earth!” Isaiah 49:6

Jesus also revealed His perspective on blood lines one day in his earthly ministry. The disciples came to Him while He was speaking to some of His followers and told Him that His mother and brothers were outside waiting to speak to Him.

Jesus’ response: “Who are my mother and brothers? See these people here (those in the crowd attentively listening/following Him)? THESE are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Matthew 12:48-50

Jesus was confirming, God’s family is NOT based on race or blood relations, not those with certain markers in their DNA. His FAMILY, God’s people, are WHOMEVER trust and follow Him.

Yet, some still refer to Jews today as “God’s chosen people”. Point out, or ask, “WHY were they chosen?” The answer is simple: to bring Messiah into the world. But, they were never His exclusive people. God’s people, although for centuries the majority were descendants of Jacob, were always multi-racial.

To tackle and debunk the Dispensationalism view that prophecies surrounding Israel will only apply to Jews in the Millenium, let’s go back to Isaiah 49. Isaiah said the “land of destruction” would be too small for all the new children the people of God would gain after Redeemer’s work, that they would need a bigger land!

“Though you were ruined and made desolate and your land made waste, now you will be too small for your people… the children born during your grief will say, ‘This place is too small for us; give us more space to live in…’” (Isaiah 49:19-20)

During the 1,889 years in-between the destruction of the temple in 70 CE and the reclaiming of earthly Israel by Jewish people in 1959, Jews were scattered, and the Church grew and spread worldwide. Simultaneously, dispersed Jews multiplied and spread worldwide.

Now in the 21st Century, the Church has its far largest population in America AND the population of Jews in America is equal to that in earthly Israel at around 6.5 million+ each. The prophecy of needing a bigger place to dwell has been fulfilled for both Jews and Gentiles! This has been fulfilled in part worldwide, but oddly, it has been fulfilled to a greater extent in America.

Isaiah promised, after Redeemer there would someday come a larger land head and shoulders above the rest, a land with double the wealth and blessing of any other nation and to which immigrants would flock. (Isaiah 54, 55, 61…). Who does this sound like?

America has also fulfilled this prophecy for both the Church and Jews who’ve come to live within her borders. Only America has ever had double the wealth of any other nation. The whole world knows it is an exceptionally blessed nation, it is why so many immigrants want to be here more than anywhere else.

Bottom line, any way you look at it, this prophecy from Isaiah 49 has been fulfilled. It CANNOT, therefore, only apply to the Millennium. That view of Dispensationalism is flawed.

For those who have heard of New Covenant Theology, I do not agree with their assessment that ALL of the Mosaic Law is gone. It expired, yes, but the principles from it were absorbed into Jesus’ teaching. Jesus’ words found in Matthew 22 explain things nicely:

In verse 37-40, we read, “Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Jesus clearly does not dismiss the Commandments, Law or Prophets. Rather, He summarized and simplified them. Their moral purpose still exists underneath Christ’s mandate to love and devotion before God and unselfishness before mankind.

We could say, the Law was summed up in Love and scrubbed of the complicated minutiae. How just like Christ, our Jewish Redeemer… simple, practical teaching served in a posture of love, gentleness and humility.

One final summary of our relationship to the Law: Christ became our Bridegroom/Shepherd, thus the role of the Law (as “tutor”/nanny) was retired, but its lessons and wisdom remain with us forever. Just as adults are taught in Scripture to honor their parents, we honor the Law that guided and sheltered us, protected the way for Him to come into the world for us.

Scripture Proving a Broken Mosaic Covenant

Isaiah 24:5
The earth is polluted by its inhabitants, for the transgressed laws, violated statutes, BROKE the ‘everlasting’ covenant.

Jeremiah 11:10
They have turned back to the iniquities of their ancestors who refused to hear My words, and they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have BROKEN My covenant which I made with their fathers.

Jeremiah 31:32
…not like the Covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt, My Covenant WHICH THEY BROKE, although I was a husband to them, declares the Lord.

Ezekiel 44:7
…for THEY made My covenant VOID…

Zechariah 11:10-11; 16
And I take my staff of pleasantness, and cut it apart, to MAKE VOID My Covenant that I had made with all the peoples: 11 and IT IS BROKEN in that day, those afflicted observing know this is a word of YHWH… 16 For behold, I am raising up a shepherd in the land, the CUT OFF He does NOT inspect, the SHAKEN OFF He does NOT seek, and the broken (off) He does not heal… their hooves he breaks off.

[By the way, Zechariah is heavily laden with Messianic symbols. The Shepherd who is pierced… (crucifixion of Jesus), the 30 pieces of silver and potters field purchased with it (this is what Judas was paid to betray Christ and where the money went!), and more.]

Zechariah 13:7-9
Sword, awake against My Shepherd, and against a hero who is Mine, a declaration of YHWH of Hosts. “Strike the Shepherd and the flock is scattered… 8 In all the land, a declaration of YHWH, “Two parts in it are CUT OFF – THEY EXPIRE – and the third is left in it 9 and I refine them like silver and gold, and they call My Name and I have said, They are My People, and they say, YHWH is my God.”

[Zechariah is clear. The Shepherd (foretold as pierced and struck down) brings a new covenant which cuts off the old. Many people (a 2/3 majority) were also prophesied to be cut off.

This is not “Replacement Theology”. This is PROPHECY.

The family tree of God would be funneled through ONE Branch, and those who would not follow Him would be lost. Again, it is a continuum, not a replacement, of the same people, the people God endearingly called Israel, Israel of God.

What WAS replaced was the old covenant. Passages like this one in Zechariah support the Covenant Theology view that the new Covenant in Christ absolutely replaced the old.]


Hebrews 7:11-12
If indeed, perfection came through the Levitical priesthood – which gave the people law – what further need, according to the order of Melchizedek, for another priest to arise…? For the priesthood being changed necessitated a change of the Law…

[The writer of Hebrews is saying here that if the old Law and priesthood were so perfect, we would not have needed Jesus. He is confirming the imperfection of leaders and Law required the NEW covenant in Christ, the new High Priest.

The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, ‘You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek’. (Messianic prophecy in Psalm 110:4)

God will not reverse the New covenant, and He does not maintain an old one alongside the new one. The new has come. It is done.]

Hebrews 8:9
For they did NOT continue in My covenant…

Hebrews 8:13 in LSV
(Referring to Mosaic Law)… He has made the first obsolete, and what is becoming obsolete and growing old is near disappearing.

[This verse has been used erroneously to say the Mosaic law is NOT obsolete because the writer said “becoming obsolete” in the 2nd half of the verse…

But the verse very clearly said in the first half: “He has made the first obsolete”.

The second half of the verse is not a schizophrenic flip from the first half, nor does it cancel all of the Old Testament passages already declaring the old covenant obsolete. So, the second half of Hebrews 8:13 reverses nothing, just lends a more dramatic explanation. The summarized New King James Version of Hebrews 8:13 is easier to understand:

In that He said, ‘A new covenant’, He has made the first old (dead or expired). Now that which is old decays… will soon vanish away.

Again, this verse in Hebrews re-states God’s former declaration through the prophets that a new covenant made the old one obsolete. The second half of the verse colorfully clarifies, like all dead and decaying things disappear over time, any remnant or residue of it would soon be completely gone.

Sojourners in faith and study, thank you for traveling with me through these concepts and Scripture today. I hope you, as I did, heard God’s heart for US in His Word, the necessary and beautiful purpose of the Law and Prophets we still revere, and remain in awe of what Christ did for us even more.

“I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus

The sacrifice of God’s Son – to become our Redeemer/Messiah – was the entire goal of the ancient people and the law, the cornerstone of God’s people now, and the centerpiece of Scripture for all time.

God bless every reader and give you peace.







Article, “Dispensational Theology” by The Gospel Coalition

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