Fasting for November 6, 2018 Election

[We at Faith and Fasting will be fasting 50 hours, one hour for every one of America’s 50 States. We will begin Sunday, Nov 4, at 4:00 PM, and break our fast on election day, Tuesday, Nov 6, at 6:00 PM. We welcome all who are not physically prohibited to join us. Even one meal will move the hand of God!]

May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift His face to look upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:26-27

People of God, it is time once again to strengthen the will and power of God in our nation through fasting. As Jesus revealed in Mark 9:29, there is no greater spiritual power than to pray and fast.

As a nation founded upon Biblical law and dedicated to Him by our Christian first President, George Washington, we are still God’s nation. Culture does not determine our identity. Our identity in Christ is foundational, bedrock. It is immutable.

Out of love, in order to pour blessing upon His nation, God’s people are called to purify themselves, seek Him, repent and pray for their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Elections determine who gets to make law that governs the people. We must vote our conscience, our values which come from the Bible, and support candidates who also espouse Biblical common sense.

But, we don’t have to have the wisdom of Job or Solomon to determine who is best suited to every position. We have direct access to God’s wisdom and all of Heaven’s power! There is one sure way to open rivers of blessing from heaven! It is through prayer and fasting.

So, we ask you today, people of God, please unite and join us in prayer and fasting for God’s will to be done in every race, every district, every State!

While our goal is 50 hours, set your own perameters for fasting. One meal may work for many. Others may be able and willing to fast longer.

Please share this call with your family of faith. We will form a mighty network of prayer and fasting across the nation, for God’s will to be done in His land. He Who has called us is able, and He will complete the work He has started in us!

God bless you all, and God bless His nation, America!